This is my blog about me and my life as a 13 year old girl

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Day 2 and 3 in HAWAII!


On Monday we had a beach day. It was really nice, hot weather and it was lots of fun. Ellie and Sasha made a little pool close to the water and when the waves would wash around it they would shriek and laugh like crazy. We collected some cool coral rock too. For supper we went to a place called Senor Frogs. It was good food but I liked the people and the place the most. There was a guy working there named Cory and he made balloon hats for us. My mom started talking to him and we found out that he was from Massachusetts. While we were eating a guy called some of the staff to the stage and they played some music and started dancing. Yesterday we went to this mall but it was an open air mall and had no roof. It was really hot in there. We went to a Hawaiian store called Hilo Hattie. I bought some flower earrings there. For supper we went to a place called Giovanni's. They were playing the Canucks game and there were lots of fans there and whenever they would score they would cheer and clap really loud. I will post some more tomorrow!

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