Next, I wrote about a book called When You Reach Me a few months ago, if you didn't catch it you can see it here. Anyways, the book club I'm in made a video about the book for a contest. You have to make a 90 second video summarizing the ENTIRE book. And guess what? We won! The video was screened in Portland, Oregon, at a film festival. Here it is!
My school was also involved in another amazing video. For anti-bullying day my school and some other schools put together a project they called Pink 2012. We all learned the same dance to the chorus of Lady Gaga's Born This Way and then we were free to do anything we wanted for the verses. Some people came to each school to film it and then put it all together.
We also made a video just of classes at Confederation Park (my school), except I can't find it anywhere, which is really to bad because it was awesome
Here is the official video:
That's all for now!
wait...what? Your video won AND it was in a film festival!! That's awesome :D AND I want to know more!